Sights of Austria

Sights of Austria

January 05, 2023

Austria's most popular attractions near the Austrian highways.

Vienna, the center of culture

The most convenient way to get to the capital of culture by car is the M1 highway from Budapest, and the A4 highway from Hegyeshalom. However, it is important to know for which motorways you need to buy a sticker. No matter where you turn in the capital of Austria, you have the opportunity to meet history and elegance at the same time. Vienna is like an artistic treasure chest carefully collected over many years of work. Palaces such as the Schönbrunn Palace, the Belvedere Palace or the Hofburg dazzle the eye with the unfading luxury of Baroque splendor. And the collections of Vienna's museums, with their impressive variety and richness, are quite simply among the unmissable attractions. 

Princess Sissi, the beautiful royal wife, Gustav Klimt, the most prominent painter of the deservedly famous art nouveau, and Freud, who worked on his psychoanalytic theory in this place, also once lived in Vienna.

Swarovski Crystal World, the beauty of Tyrol

In Tyrol (Austria) on the A2 highway in the town of Wattens, you can see the "Crystal World" exhibition area of ​​the world-famous Swarovski empire. Daniel Swarovski founded his company dealing with polished crystals in Wattens, Tyrol, in 1895, and in 1995, for its centenary, André Helle built the crystal world in the spirit of Swarovski. The 7.5-hectare garden is famous for its art works made of crystal, including the Crystal Cloud and Tükörtó, which make the place dazzling. The park's most famous masterpiece, the grass-covered, water-spitting Giant, lures visitors into the hidden world of 17 glittering Chambers of Wonder. In the garden of Kristályvilág, various playgrounds and playgrounds offer excitement to children. 

Salzburg, the birthplace of Mozart

Some regions of Salzburg can easily be reached on the M1 and then the A1 motorways, and the A10 Tauern motorway from Salzburg to Villach. One of the world's most famous composers, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, was also born in this bustling city. You can still visit his former home, the bright yellow birth house, which functions as a museum presenting the life of the composer. The rooms reproduce the atmosphere in their original state, where the prodigy of music history spent the first 17 years of his life. The museum houses original documents, memorabilia, family portraits and musical instruments. There is also the mini-violin that Mozart played as a child, but the museum also keeps the buttons of his coat and a lock of his hair.

Burg Kreuzenstein, the preserved medieval castle

The castle can be visited near Leobendorf in Lower Austria. From Vienna, you need to take the A22 highway to the Korneuburg-West exit, from there, following the signs, you can see the parking lot under the castle in a few minutes. 

Kreuzenstein Castle is mentioned in sources from the 12th century, but its medieval appearance is actually a rebuilt version from the 19th century. The original castle was destroyed during the 30 Years War. The castle was built on top of a small hill, from where you can enjoy a great view of the surrounding countryside. The castle is a popular tourist destination, where classical music concerts are played in the summer, and sometimes the castle also serves as a filming location for movies.

Graz, where history mixes with the modern world

The A9 motorway is a connecting motorway in Austria. The highway starts at the Voralpeni junction of the A1-A8 and reaches the Slovenian border, providing a connection with Germany – via Austria – with both the Slovenian and former Yugoslav road networks.

Graz, Austria's second largest city, is also where Arnold Schwarzenegger comes from. Its most famous landmark, the Clock Tower, is located in its cozy and charming historic old town, which offers a beautiful view of the entire city. Many museums and castles are worth visiting at least once. It is worth visiting the Weapons Museum, which centuries ago was one of the city's largest weapons stores. II. And Ferdinand's mausoleum is considered one of the most beautiful architectural monuments in Graz. And how complex its architecture is, nothing proves it better than the blue-shining Kunsthaus with a biomorphic roof, which is only referred to by the locals as a "friendly stranger". The building, designed with an extraordinary design, is a museum of modern and contemporary arts.

The official Austrian motorway vignette can be purchased here in the shop.

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