2024 Slovak Motorway Vignette

2024 Slovak Motorway Vignette

May 20, 2023

Slovak motorway vignette and attractions of Slovakia

The most visited places in Slovakia are located somewhere at the height of Zólyom and Kassa. If we were to leave Hungary for Slovakia, the easiest way would be to take road 2 towards Vác from the direction of Budapest, and then leave the country at Hont. If the destination is the eastern part of Slovakia - for example the Slovak Paradise - then take the route Eger, Ózd, Rozsnyó. It is definitely a good idea to travel on the highway, because then you will reach the High Tatras on the Slovakian D1 highway in the direction of Miskolc-Kassa.

The most popular sights in Slovakia:


Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia in the southwestern part of the country, in the border triangle shared with Austria and Hungary. Five bridges span the Danube in Bratislava. The longest is the Lanfrancon bridge, which is the bridge of the D2 highway. East of it in the old town is the bridge of the Slovak National Uprising, one of the symbols of Bratislava. Further down the river is the Old Bridge, the predecessor of which was named the Ferenc József Bridge as the very first permanent bridge. Next in line is the graceful Apollo Bridge, as the city's youngest crossing. The easternmost is the Harbor Bridge, on the lower level of which the railway leads, while the D1 highway leads above.

The castle with four corner towers, which houses the Slovak National Museum, can be seen from afar above the city. Below the castle is the Gothic coronation church, Szent Márton-dóm. The church was built at the beginning of the 14th century on the site of the previous Church of the Savior built in 1221. It was gradually expanded in the 15th and 16th centuries, and the chapel of St. John the Baptist was completed in 1730. It gained its present form with the 1895 renovation. Its Neo-Gothic-style tower is 85 m high, and a replica of the gilded Holy Crown shines on top, in memory of the fact that the Hungarian kings were crowned here between 1563 and 1830. In addition, famous churches in Bratislava include the Church of the Orsolya Sisters, the Church of St. Nicholas under the castle, the Church of the Merciful, built in the Baroque style, the convent and the hospital.ó

Szepes Castle

Above the settlement of Szepesváralja, a castle with outstanding attractions is located between Tatra and Kassa, along the D1 highway.

It is one of the largest castles in Central Europe, which together with its associated cultural monuments (Szepeshely, Szepesváralja, Zsigra) are part of the world heritage. The restored parts of the museum house the museum's exhibitions: archaeological finds, weapons collection, torture chamber, castle history exhibitions.

Selmec mine

One of the popular destinations for city tourists is the Slovakian Selmecbánya. Built on a hillside, the town has an exceptional atmosphere that makes it worth visiting at least once. The city has played an important role in the economy for centuries. In the beginning, it is increasing the number of visitors due to the mining works, and now due to tourism reasons. Stretching between the 900-meter and 1000-meter high mountains of the Selmec Mountains, Katlan hides a fantastic small town, the entire area of ​​which is a World Heritage Site. The area of ​​Selmecbánya does not reach 50,000 km², and its population is barely 10,000. The town of Selmecbánya is a real treasure box.

Churches, chapels, interesting and modern museums and exhibitions meet each other in the settlement. Not to mention that you can see fantastic architectural wonders walking around the city center.

Selmecbánya is located in Slovakia, in the Selmecbánya district of the Besztercebánya district. Southwest of Besztercebánya and north of Szittya mountain. The city is officially classified as a landscape protection area. 

It is located 150 km from Budapest. Leaving the capital, it is possible to drive along the Danube on the M2 highway all the way to Vác. From there, the road leads straight to the E77 European expressway, which takes you all the way to Selmecbánya. 

Szentáromság square and statue

The statue on Szentáromság tér is one of the most photographed and visited places in Selmecbánya, so you have certainly seen it in photos. The ornate statue located in the main square of the town forms the core of Selmecbánya.


With the newly completed section of the motorway, the M30 motorway has become complete, so you can travel on the motorway all the way from Budapest to Kassa. The two-lane road section was built with a stop lane and physical separation, the maximum permitted speed is 130 kilometers per hour.

Kassa is the second largest Slovak city on the coast of Hernád. One of its best-known features is that it combines the customs of several nations and nationalities.

Most of Kassa's monuments are located on Fő utca, in the ancient center of the settlement, almost all of them have a Hungarian aspect. The best-known of these is the Saint Elizabeth Cathedral dedicated to Saint Elizabeth of Árpád-háza.

Church buildings play a significant role in shaping the city's skyline, proving that the city's population is made up of many different peoples.

The official Slovak motorway vignette 2024 can be purchased here in the shop.

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